The Manager


The Manager's key objectives are to deliver regular and stable distributions to Unitholders and to achieve long-term growth in NAV per Unit to maximise Unitholders' return.

We plan to achieve our key objectives through the following strategies:
Acquisition growth strategy

Our acquisition growth strategy envisages investments in retail and/or retail-related assets that are in the interests of LMIR Trust's Unitholders. In achieving this, we anticipate that LMIR Trust will be able leverage Lippo Karawaci's extensive retail network in Indonesia as well as its ability to identify and enhance undervalued retail properties.

Active asset enhancement & management strategy

We intend to implement pro-active measures to enhance returns from existing and future properties in LMIR Trust's portfolio. Examples of such measures may include addition and alteration works (including re-zoning, tenancy remixing and work carried out for the purpose of expanding size and capacity), leveraging and enhancing the properties' competitive strengths to optimise rentals and enhancement projects to maintain the competitive positioning of our properties.

Capital and Risk Management Strategy

LMIRT Trust has employed an appropriate mix of debt and equity in the financing of its acquisitions. It has also undertaken foreign exchange hedging of its distribution to insulate against movements in exchange rates. The Trustee, as trustee of LMIR Trust, has entered into a currency hedging arrangement, since listing, to optimise risk-adjusted returns to the Unitholders.